Then all I had to do was to, basically speaking, replace the occurrences of " NSMenuExtra" by " NSStatusItem", since the two APIs are almost the same.

So, how did I port MenuMeters to El Capitan, then? Well, I just gave up having ⌘-dragging. In El Capitan, Apple added a more stringent check of the allowed NSMenuExtra's, and MenuCracker no longer works. MenuCracker was an NSMenuExtra that pretended to be one of those allowed ones, which, once loaded inside SystemUIServer, removed these checks, so that more NSMenuExtras can be loaded without any problem. You can now reset traffic totals in the net meter. The net meter now reports the Airport speed as shown in the system WiFi menu. Approximately 1/3 of these were observed from 1994-2002 as part of the VLBA 2 cm Survey. The memory pressure mode of the memory meter now reports the value as shown in the system Activity Monitor. MOJAVE ( M onitoring O f J ets in A ctive galactic nuclei with V LBA E xperiments) is a long-term program to monitor radio brightness and polarization variations in jets associated with active galaxies visible in the northern sky. MenuMeters used this to inject their own NSMenuExtra's to SystemUIServer in fact MenuMeters' author is one of the main authors of MenuCracker.Įssentially, until Yosemite, SystemUIServer had a fixed list of allowed NSMenuExtras. The CPU meter pull-down menu now shows the thermal power limit status. I recommend using top -s 60 to get a wider (and thus more accurate) sample. To check MenuMeters CPU time use the terminal top program or the Activity Monitor application to check SystemUIServers CPU usage.
But until Yosemite, there was a known way to work around it, available as an open-source code as MenuCracker. A: The MenuMeters are plugins to SystemUIServer, and hence their CPU usage is counted into SystemUIServers total CPU usage. But since 10.2, Apple had a code that blocked SystemUIServer to load non-system-provided NSMenuExtra's. In fact until and including OS X 10.1, Apple allowed it. Usage: If you just want to use it, please go to. An advanced Mac system monitor for your menu bar, with CPU, GPU, memory, network, disk usage, disk activity, temperatures, fans, battery info and more. Although there are numerous other programs which do the same thing, none had quite the feature set I was looking for.
But this happened later than the need to port MenuMeters to El Capitan 10.11.)Īnyway, due to this better behavior of NSMenuExtra's, people often wanted to write their own. My fork of MenuMeters for El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina and Big Sur. Menumeters Mojave MenuMeters is a set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for Mac OS X. (On macOS Sierra 10.12, Apple finally implemented and enabled ⌘-dragging for all NSStatusItem's, including this port of MenuMeters. Adds all publications in Apple News+, including newspapers, to the catalog at the top of the News+ feed. Makes downloaded issues available in the My Magazines section of Apple News+, both online and offline.
I have no idea why ⌘-dragging was not provided for the latter by the system. The macOS Mojave 10.14.6 update improves the stability and reliability of your Mac. One good thing about the former is that you can rearrange them by ⌘-dragging the menu items. The latter can be displayed by any app written by any developer. The former are loaded and displayed by SystemUIServer, a process provided by the system. There are in fact two types of such menu bar items, one known as NSMenuExtra's and another known as NSStatusItem's. They're shown in color without any flickering when I'm using just the internal retina display. I hope it doesn't come to that for any of you but it's worth knowing that it can be a solution.As you very well know and is shown in the screenshot above, there can be various utilities put on the right hand side of the menu bar. In Dark Mode, and when I'm using an external monitor, the MenuMeters icons turn white and start to flicker every time they're updated. After like a new machine and faster than my 2015 work iMac. Before so slow as to be almost unusable most of the time. When all that fails to solve the problem, as with my 2008 iMac at home I bit the bullet and did a complete reformat and reinstall. Daily use because I have less RAM than I really need. Memory Clean 2 free RAM scrubber from FIPLAB. Recently rewritten for El Capitan and above. MenuMeters info about processor load, RAM usage, Network traffic and more right in your menu bar.
I use Onyx when things get bad but for everyday monitoring / fixing I use Mac OS X Lion 10.7 is the eighth major release of Mac OS X is a completely different version from the for windows because it is a version that is totally based on the productivity.
Plus I don't always have time for a reboot. Onyx fixes a lot of things but it can be scary to flush out / run maintenance of stuff you don't understand.