
Fire emblem echoes celica
Fire emblem echoes celica

fire emblem echoes celica

・Reduces damage from enemy units if she has more Spd ・Has【Pathfinder】to give her allies more mobility ・ Exclusive Special grants damage reduction and boosts damage for next attack. ・ Weapon skill pre-charges Special skill, accelerates Special charges to unit and slows down Special charges of foe, and grants flat damage reduction. ・ Duo Skill neutralizes penalties, heals HP, and neutralizes foe's bonuses. ・ Exclusive C skill deals 7 damage to all foes on turn one, grants percentage damage reduction, and has Far Save. ・ Weapon skill acceclerates Special, grants Atk bonuses onto unit and inflicts Atk penalties onto foe, prevents foe's follow-up attacks, and increases foe's Special cooldown count pre-combat. ・Exclusive skill adds extra damage on to his Atk stat ・Exclusive Weapon grants a huge buff to all stats ・Weapon prevents enemy skills that guarantee follow-up and neutralizes skills that prevent unit from making follow-ups ・Has access to a refresher-assist skill and a movement-assist skill through his Duo Skill ・Halves magic damage through exclusive weapon ・Duo Skill inflicts Atk/Spd penalties, inflicts Guard, and increases foe's Special cooldown counts ・Has improved Distant Counter and Aether skills ・Weapon skill grants stat bonuses, special acceleration, damage reduction, and a Null Follow-Up effect. ・Weapon grants Distant Counter and a dual-phase Brave effect・Powerful Special skill ・Access to a one-turn Vantage through Harmonized Skill ・ Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn Harmonized Hero ・Can nullify Vantage and Desperation effects ・Can activate an AoE Special from the first turn ・【Deep Wounds】 prevents foes from healing ・・Inflicts strong debuffs to enemies, while buffing self ・ Duo Skill deals massive damage to enemy units ・ Exclusive B skill inflicts Atk/Def penalties on foe and accelerates Special charges per foe's attack. ・ Exclusive Special skill deals damage and restores HP. ・Weapon skill accelerates Special, inflicts Atk/Def and Guard penalties on foe, grants a guaranteed follow-up attack to unit and denies foe's follow-up attack.

fire emblem echoes celica

・High firepower when engaging combat-She is one of the top if not the top sword cavalry when it comes to raw offense ・Access to additional movement action after attacking ・ Exclusive C skill grants Atk/Spd+6, 【Null Follow-Up】, and movement +1. ・ Weapon skill grants 【Canto (2)】, bonus damage based on distance travelled, and has a Miracle effect. ・ Harmonized skill grants Resonance: Shields and Bonus Doubler. ・ Exclusive B skill grants another action after unit's first attack, and grants a guaranteed follow-up attack against Dragons and Beasts. ・ Weapon skill accelerates Specials, grants Atk buffs and inflicts Atk debuffs, grants damage reduction, and attacks twice. ・Weapon skill allows her to strike twice in one attack ・Access to an additional action through her duo skill ・Grants self an extra action using Duo Skill ・Weapon skill allows her to strike twice in one attack when she initiates ・With his weapon refine, he gets a guaranteed follow-up attack while preventing enemy follow-ups, alongside preventing armor-effective attacks and penalties ・Possesses a more powerful version of Distant Counter that grants him buffs ・Weapon skill is accelerates Special trigger, is effective against armored units, nullifies weapons that are effective against armored units, inflicts debuffs on enemy units during combat, and also prevents enemy units from making follow-up attacks ・Can also grant allies extra movement, and more damage by activating Holy-Knight Aura. ・Access to guaranteed follow-up attacks, and damage reduction effects ・Can counterattack regardless of range and will also grant buffs during combat ・Assist skill that repositions an ally and grants another action to unit ・Weapon skill is effective against flying and armored units, accelerates Special, grants buffs, and gives a guaranteed follow-up attack Tier List of Heroes Top Tier Heroes Rating Summer Eirika, Summer Nifl, and Summer Thórr added to 9.0įallen Mareeta, Kjelle, and Legendary Roy added to 9.0 Sara, Valentine's Faye, and Young L'Arachel demoted to 9.0Īscended Celica, Valentian Est, and Ymir added to 9.0 Shez (M), Monica, Ascended Hilda, Shez (F), and Holst added to 9.0įlame Tribe Lyn and Flame Tribe Tana added to 9.5įlame Tribe Múspell and Flame Tribe Mordecai added to 9.0īrave Byleth (F), Brave Seliph, Brave Tiki (Adult), and Brave Chrom added to 9.5īrave Marianne and Spring Myrrh demoted to 9.0 Halloween Duma and Halloween Corrin (F) added to 9.5


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Fire emblem echoes celica